Opening hours

Opening Hours

The Luchtvaart Hobby Shop in Aalsmeerderbrug is open to the public at the following times:

 Monday - Friday  10.00 - 18.00 hrs
 Saturday  10.00 - 17.00 hrs
 Sunday  Closed

Internet Orders and E-mails are handled during shop opening hours

Closed on Public Holidays

The shop is closed on Sundays and Public Holidays in the Netherlands.
The following days and dates the shop is closed or has slightly adapted opening hours:


Monday21 April 2025Easter MondayClosed
Saturday26 April 2025King's DayClosed
Monday5 May 2025Liberation DayClosed
Thursday29 May 2025Ascension DayClosed
Monday9 June 2025Whit MondayClosed

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Shop near Amsterdam-Schiphol Airport. LOOK INSIDE !

When in the Netherlands,
visit our shop near
Amsterdam-Schiphol Airport.

Click on the image below for
extended tour.

